Fehu Rune Meaning: Reversed, Love, Career & More
Also known as: Fe, Feh, Feoh, Frey
Fehu Pronunciation: fey-who (e as in play, u as in hew)
Letter sound: F
Translation: Cattle, Wealth, Money
Fehu Keywords: Wealth, Prosperity, Abundance, Reward, Good Health, Beginnings, Social Success, Foresight
Fehu Reversed: Greed, Burnout, Atrophy, Poverty, Discord

Fehu Rune Meaning
Fehu is frequently interpreted as money, particularly “moveable” money. Cattle could make or break the lives of the Germanic peoples and many other ancient societies, who relied on livestock for their survival. The cattle could not only be traded for other valuable items but also provide sustenance and thus be life-saving in times of dire need.
Money and credit are the principal sources of “movable” wealth that we deal with today; therefore, modern interpretations of Fehu tend to center on them. However, this rune has a broader meaning that refers to prosperity and abundance in general, which includes non-monetary aspects of well-being in addition to our cash reserves—good health, plenty of food, love, social success, and a joyful attitude toward life.
Fehu’s Additional Meanings
Fehu, as the first character in the Elder Futhark, also represents beginnings. This interpretation is supported by the rune’s literal translation, “cattle,” as well as the Norse story of Audhumla, the cow who gave birth to the human race. However, because new beginnings usually come after endings in the cyclical structure of life, there is also the connected notion of “completion” here.
Fehu Reversed Meaning
Inverted, FEHU denotes some form of loss or disappointment if you continue in the same manner. However, When the surrounding runes are overwhelmingly positive, it could simply be a frustrating delay, a barrier in your way that you would prefer to avoid at this moment.
In the case of a predominantly negative rune cast, this could signal an irreversible material loss. Additionally, it may advise you to quit any current plan, as it is unlikely to be particularly beneficial in the long run.
In this instance, it might be better to focus on preserving or saving what you have previously acquired rather than leaping headfirst into completely unknown territory.
When Fehu is reversed, it frequently represents a loss of wealth, property, or self-esteem. For whatever reason, the winds of fortune are not now blowing in your favor.
You could be dealing with disappointment, irritation, a lack of fulfillment, the urge to abandon your plans, or health issues. You need to ask yourself—what must you let go of, and how can you refocus your efforts more realistically? Budgeting, cutting back on costs, taking better care of your body, or reevaluating your priorities may all be part of this.
Recognize that, while you may face some failures, this is a learning opportunity, and you will be better off for having gone through it.
Fehu Rune Meaning in Love
Since some current rune systems associate Fehu with Venus and the Moon, it is sometimes associated with romantic relationships. Based on the context of the reading, one may be in the middle of a new relationship or simply enjoying a period of mutual contentment within an established partnership.
Fehu in love also suggests that any declaration of tender feelings on your part will be well received by the person. Get up and have the courage to express them.
If you see Fehu reversed in a love reading, it means that possible disagreements, dissatisfaction, concerns, and suspicions may occur, but that the problem is likely to be temporary unless it is surrounded by very negative runes.
Fehu Rune Meaning in Career/Wealth
Fehu is a rune of fulfillment—something you’ve been working towards will finally become a reality for you. It represents overcoming obstacles, whether personal (another person hindering your plans) or impersonal (a bad situation, time frame, etc.). When FEHU is upright, particularly in the outcome position, it shows that you have what it takes to triumph over the opposing forces with dedication and hard effort.
It also suggests that good fortune in the form of money is on its way. Your efforts are beginning to bear fruit in the form of financial success and other types of rewards. Although this is a positive message, it also highlights the importance of sharing one’s good fortune with others in one’s family or community.
If you’ve recently completed a project or a task or otherwise achieved a goal you’ve been working toward, you are being encouraged to rest and enjoy the rewards of your labor while still focusing on your next new focus.
How To Use Fehu
- The fehu rune can be used for divination, just like the tarot. Start by getting a set of “rune stones” or making your own by writing each symbol on a small piece of stone, tile, or glass. Then, follow your own inner wisdom. You can draw a single stone to get an answer to a burning question or toss all the stones in front of you to get a more complete message from the universe.
- You can also attract money by sketching the fehu symbol on a bay leaf with a black, green, or red marker. Make your intentions known to the bay leaf. Then, place the bay leaf on a dish or bowl and set it on fire. Blow away the ash from the burned leaf as a representation of your intention being released into the universe.
- You can also draw the fehu symbol on a piece of paper to bring in more money. Charge it with your thoughts. Then keep it somewhere in your residence where you keep the money. You might keep it in your wallet, safe, or even at your business’s cash register.
- You can set your intentions and wear fehu symbols on your body as jewelry.
There is a lot of movement and vitality in the energy of Fehu. It is a sign of the first fire of life and movement that keeps the world moving. In order to be beneficial, Fehu must be spread around.
Stagnant, still Fehu becomes tainted through misuse, possessiveness, and greed.