Allergies: Spiritual Meaning, Causes & More!
Allergies are the body’s response to something it sees as a harmful “invader.” For example, your immune system, which is your body’s defense system, might react to pollen, which is usually harmless.
Technically, your symptoms are the consequence of a chain of events resulting from your body’s response to the “harmful intruder.” Your body ‘sees’ the invader, produces antibodies to combat the invader, and as a result, histamines are released, causing your allergic symptoms.
Allergies are common since One in six Americans, or more than 50 million people, have allergies. These include indoor/outdoor allergies, food and drug allergies, latex allergies, insect, skin, and eye allergies.
Physical Symptoms of Allergy
Mild reactions include rash or hives, itching, watery or red eyes, hay fever, and a runny nose.
Symptoms that spread to other parts of your body are a sign of a moderate reaction. This is usually accompanied by signs such as itching, hives, swelling, and trouble breathing.
Anaphylaxis is a rare, life-threatening emergency in which your body’s reaction to the allergen is immediate and affects the entire body.
If your allergies are not caused by any medical problem, it could be an emotional or spiritual problem.

Energy Centres Being Affected
Root Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, and Throat Chakra
Limiting Belief
- I don’t trust anything that isn’t me.
- I don’t feel safe in my surroundings.
- Trying to hide my own power.
Spiritual And Emotional Reason For Allergies
If you have an allergy, you may have developed a strong aversion for a certain individual to the point where you simply couldn’t be around them anymore. You have trouble adapting to people or situations, and you let other people, especially those you want to impress, have too much power over you. You are often too sensitive, on the defensive, and easy to scare.
Know that you are having problems with yourself. You love something or someone, but another part of you tells you not to. You may love someone, but it may make you feel bad that you’re emotionally dependent on them. Part of you wants to be around them, but another part says you should stay away. You are extremely conflicted.
People with allergies also frequently had parents who held contrasting opinions in a variety of areas that led to conflict in the child.
Spiritual Cure for Allergy
If you have allergies, find out what the problem is or who you dislike and seek their acceptance. In general, this is someone to whom you have a strong attachment.
In most cases, this will be an extremely close friend or family member. You believe if you act in accordance with their expectations, you hope that one day they will give you love. Think about how much you’ve allowed yourself to rely on that person’s approval or acknowledgment.
Always keep in mind that submitting to others will not get you any affection.
Spiritual Cure For Food Allergy
It’s surprising to think about how commonly we develop allergies to the things we love, like dairy. We love ice cream but are allergic to dairy, so we can’t eat it. If you are allergic to a certain food, ask yourself do you find it hard to enjoy the good things in life.
Spiritual Cure For Dust/Animal Allergy
Is it possible that you feel vulnerable to attack if you have a dust or animal allergy? Why do you believe others would wish to harm you? I suggest you analyze your own beliefs regarding hostility. Typically, our worries reflect our own state in how we view others.
Your belief system could be keeping you stuck in this pattern. Instead of thinking that external factors caused your allergy, you are advised to consider what transpired in the 24 hours before the allergic reaction.
Your Spiritual Blocks for Allergies
Look at our questionnaire list to find your personal spiritual block that keeps you from meeting the needs of your BEING.
Click here to view our questionnaire list
By answering these questions, you will be able to find the real cause of your physical problem more easily and accurately.
Meditation for Allergies
Center yourself using a couple of deep breaths and think of yourself as being inside a thin, clear bubble as you meditate. Think of this layer as only letting in things that help you. Inside this bubble, you can breathe in peace. It is a permanent part of you that acts like a sieve for energy, deciding what needs to come into your space and what needs to leave.
Affirmations for Allergies
- I am at peace with my life.
- I am safe.
- I am at peace with everything inside and outside of me.
- I determine how I react to the world.