Asthma: Spiritual Meaning, Causes & More
Asthma is a disease in which your airways narrow and swell, and you might produce more mucus than usual. This can make it hard to breathe and cause coughing, wheezing, and feeling short of breath.
For some people with asthma, it isn’t a big deal. For others, it can be a big problem that makes it hard to do daily tasks and can lead to an asthma attack that could kill them.
More than 25 million people in the U.S. have asthma right now. Asthma is more likely to happen to people who have allergies or who are around people who smoke. This includes secondhand smoke (being around someone who smokes).
Causes of Asthma
Why some people have asthma while others do not is a mystery to researchers. But certain factors present a higher risk:
Allergies: If you have allergies, you may be more likely to get asthma.
Environment: When people breathe in things that irritate their airways, they can get asthma. Some of these things are allergens, toxins, fumes, and second or third-hand smoke. These are especially dangerous for babies and young kids whose immune systems aren’t fully developed yet.
Genetics: If people in your family have had asthma or allergic diseases in the past, you are more likely to get them.
If your asthma is not caused by any medical problems, it could be an emotional or spiritual problem.

Energy Centres Being Affected
Heart Chakra and Throat Chakra
Limiting Belief
- Feeling stifled.
- I am being attacked.
- I can’t let go and let life happen.
- There is no way to let go.
- There’s nowhere to go.
Emotional And Spiritual Reasons for Asthma
If you have asthma, you will usually find it easy to breathe in but hard to breathe out. Your body is trying to tell you that you are trying to do too much. You take on more than you can handle, and it’s hard for you to say no. You won’t let anything stop you, not even yourself. You want to look stronger than you really are so that people will love you. You also want things to go the way you want them to, and when they don’t, an asthma attack can give you the perfect excuse to not be as strong as you seem.
Spiritual Reason And Cure For Asthma
Your asthma attacks are trying to tell you something important. “Taking on too much” is poisoning and suffocating you from the inside.
Give yourself time to be free. Love and accept yourself even though you have flaws and can’t do everything. You are a human, so just be a part of that family. There’s no need to shock people with your accomplishments or sickness.
Your Spiritual Blocks for Asthma
Look at our questionnaire list to find your personal spiritual blocks that keep you from meeting the needs of your BEING.
Click here to view our questionnaire list.
By answering these questions, you will be able to find the real cause of your physical problem more easily and accurately.
Meditation for Asthma
Think about the rhythm of your breath coming in and going out. Focus on how simple this action is, and pay attention to the process of receiving and letting go. Let it take up more space in your mind. After that, write in a journal about how you are taking in and letting go of thoughts, feelings, events, people, and things in your life. Ask yourself, where is the flow broken?
Affirmations for Asthma
- I surrender.
- I open myself to the expanse of life.
- I take in all
- life has to offer me.
- My life is filled with joy.
- I choose to be free.