Bad Breath: Spiritual Meaning, Causes & More!
Bad breath happens to everyone, especially after eating garlic, onions, or other strong foods. But bad breath that doesn’t go away (called “chronic halitosis”) could be a sign of a problem with your oral health or a problem with another part of your body.
It can be embarrassing and may even cause anxiety in some people.
Halitosis could be a sign of a lot of different health problems. The first step in treating bad breath is to figure out why it happens.
Physical Causes
The most common reason for bad breath is not taking care of your oral hygiene. Without good oral hygiene, like brushing, flossing, and regularly cleaning your teeth, bad bacteria can get into your mouth and grow out of control. This can lead to several oral health issues like halitosis, cavities, and gum disease.
Other Physical Causes
Bad breath can also be caused by a number of other things, such as dry mouth, head and neck cancers, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gum diseases, etc.
If your bad breath isn’t caused by any of the medical problems listed above, it could be an emotional or spiritual problem.

Spiritual and Emotional Reason For Bad Breath
When bad breath seems to come from deep inside the body, it means that there is a lot of pain inside, as well as thoughts of hatred, vengeance, or extreme anger toward those who have hurt you. You feel bad about having such harmful thoughts and would rather not know about them, but you need to know that you are slowly killing yourself by doing this. The truth is that your bad breath is making the people you want to be closest to stay away.
Spiritual Cure for Bad Breath
If your bad breath doesn’t have a physical cause, your body is telling you that you need to change your negative way of thinking. There is no hurt so deep that true forgiveness can’t heal it. Let go of the shame and helplessness that are building up inside you and accept that you deserve love. Find your ability to give and receive love again.
Your Spiritual Blocks for Bad Breath
Look at our questionnaire list to find your personal spiritual block that keeps you from meeting the needs of your BEING.
Click here to view our questionnaire list
By answering these questions, you will be able to find the real cause of your physical problem more easily and accurately.
Ayurvedic Reason And Remedy
The main goal of Ayurvedic treatment for bad breath is to start the digestive fire (Agni), which burns ama and gets rid of the problem at its source. Here are a few effective things you can do at home to treat and prevent bad breath.
- Start by watching what you eat. It’s important not to eat big meals and to stay away from cold drinks, ice cream, cheese, and yogurt, which all reduce gastric fire, slow digestion, and may make ama worse.
- Chew about 1 teaspoon of roasted fennel and cumin seeds after each meal, usually after lunch and dinner (mixed half and half). This will make digestion better, which will help clean the colon in a roundabout way.
- Slow chewing on one or two cardamom seeds can also reduce bad breath. Cardamom helps your body digest food and gets rid of ama.
- In addition to that, you could perform a pranayama technique known as Shitali.
If you follow these guidelines, you won’t have to worry about having bad breath anymore.